Creating digital products with unique ideas.
Creating digital products with unique ideas.
Building web applications with the latest tools.
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Hello! I'm Jesse Ajioh.
I'm a frontend developer with a specialty in crafting efficient and visually appealing web applications. I have a solid understanding of web development principles and I'm especially skilled in Javascript, Typescript, React, Next.js, Styled Components and Tailwind CSS. I've had experience integrating both REST and GraphQL APIs using React Query and Apollo Client and I've worked with several design systems including Material UI, Radix UI.
I am passionate about creating intuitive and engaging user experiences and can bring a unique perspective to any design process. I am always looking for new ways to improve and grow as a developer, and I am eager to take on new challenges and projects.
I am passionate about creating websites that are easy to use on a variety of devices and web browsers by using both the mobile first approach and CSS media queries.
I try to keep my code as simple as possible in order to improve maintainability, efficiency, and readability.
Using open source tools and frameworks allow me to save time and resources by utilizing the efforts of others who have already developed and tested them.
I am interested in clearly and accurately communicating technical information to a variety of audiences, including clients, team members and end users of products that I build.
Guess A card is a simple JavaScript game I built during my introductory phase to the JavaScript language. I recently rebuilt the game...
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